The City Council approved two proposed charter amendments for submission to voters on August 27, 2024:

I would like to speak on an agenda item during an upcoming City Council meeting. How do I sign up to speak?During Regular Council Meetings, interested residents may sign up and speak to the Council regarding an item on the agenda. Before doing so, an individual must sign a Request to Speak form in person at the meeting before that item is read, provide their names and addresses and indicate whether they support or oppose that item. A speaker may sign up to speak on multiple items, but speaking time is limited to five minutes total for all items. The exceptions are Public Hearings under Section 3 and Public Comments under Section 11, which do not count against a speaker’s total five minutes. Public input is not received on agenda items during Committee meetings as these meetings are designed for information gathering and in-depth discussion amongst the Councilors. Residents may comment about any issue affecting the City of Tulsa to the Council on the Regular Council Agenda under Section 11, titled “Public Comments.” To do so, they must follow these guidelines: 1. Timing of Request Submission: A topic for the comment must be received no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on the preceding Thursday before the Council Regular Meeting. 2. Language and Content: The language of the submitted topic will be reviewed and revised to guarantee agreement with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. Comments must regard new issues affecting Tulsa and refrain from political, commercial or similar subjects. Citizens are asked to keep comments in good taste and refrain from profanity or crude language. 3. Limitations: Only two public comment items are allowed per agenda per person to ensure the review of all agenda items. Individuals shall be limited to a total of five minutes per meeting. Re-addressing a topic previously discussed within 180 days is not permitted. More information, including the proper forms, contacts and rules, can be found here.
How long do I have to speak during a City Council meeting?You will have a total of 5 minutes to speak for the agenda items you sign up to speak on. When your 5 minutes is up, a timer will buzz. This 5 minutes does not apply to Public Hearing items. For Public Hearing items, you will have 5 minutes to speak on each Public Hearing item. This time does not count against your 5 minute limit for other agenda items.
I would like to speak on a topic that is not apart of the agenda. Can I do that?Residents may comment about any issue affecting the City of Tulsa to the Council on the Regular Council Agenda under Section 11, titled “Public Comments.” To do so, they must follow these guidelines: 1. Timing of Request Submission: A topic for the comment must be received no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on the preceding Thursday before the Council Regular Meeting. 2. Language and Content: The language of the submitted topic will be reviewed and revised to guarantee agreement with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. Comments must regard new issues affecting Tulsa and refrain from political, commercial or similar subjects. Citizens are asked to keep comments in good taste and refrain from profanity or crude language. 3. Limitations: Only two public comment items are allowed per agenda per person to ensure the review of all agenda items. Individuals shall be limited to a total of five minutes per meeting. Re-addressing a topic previously discussed within 180 days is not permitted. More information, including the proper forms, contacts and rules, can be found here.
Is there another way to share my comments with the Council?Yes! To submit comments to your City Councilor directly, call or email using the contact information here. To find your City Councilor, use the District Finder.
Where can I find a meeting agenda?Generally, agendas will be posted on the Council website 48 hours before the scheduled meeting. Addenda, or changes and additions, will appear no later than 24 hours before the meeting. These agendas are not official postings and are only for informational purposes. Past agendas and minutes can be found in this archive. Official agenda postings are available for in-person viewing Mondays on the 2nd floor of City Hall at the window to the left of the public entrance, catty-corner from the public entrance security desk. If you cannot find what you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact the Council Office via phone at 918-596-1990 or email secretary@tulsacouncil.org.
If I am not able to attend a meeting in person, is there another way for me to watch City Council meetings?Yes! All City Council meetings are televised live on Wednesdays (with the exception of the 4 p.m. pre-meeting) onTGOV - Tulsa Government Access Television, on Cox Digital Cable channel 24. Meetings are also streamed on tgovonline.org and on our Facebook page.
What are standing committee meetings?The Council holds its standing committee meetings on Wednesdays in Conference Room 411 on the 4th Floor of City Hall at 175 E. 2nd St. The meeting times for standing committees are: 10:30 a.m. Urban and Economic Development Committee 1:00 p.m. Budget & Special Projects Committee (seasonally) 2:30 p.m. Public Works Committee Committee meetings are where the Council receives reports from City staff and discusses proposed legislation items. Public feedback is not received during these meetings as they are designed for information gathering and in-depth discussion amongst the Councilors.
What are regular meetings?Regular meetings of the Council are held at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Council Chamber on the 2nd Floor of City Hall at 175 E. 2nd St. This is the business meeting of the Council where feedback from the public is received and votes on legislation are cast.
Where can I park if I plan to attend a City Council meeting?All street parking downtown is free after 5 p.m. In addition, the City of Tulsa has an arrangement with S.P.+ Parking so that people who attend the 5:00 p.m. City Council meetings on Wednesdays may park free of charge, with some exceptions, in the PAC Parking Lot (on the southeast corner of 2nd and Cincinnati). If you wish to park at the PAC Parking Lot, inform the parking attendant that you are joining the meeting and provide the attendant with your tag number. When the lot attendant leaves at 6:00 p.m., those who did not provide the attendant with their tag number will have a “pay” envelope placed on their windshield. If a person who attended the Council meeting receives a “pay” envelope, they should contact City Hall Security, who will work with S.P. + Parking to solve this issue. NOTE: When there is an event at the Performing Arts Center at the same time as a City Council meeting, the PAC Parking Lot is never free.
What are the rules during a City Council meeting?All individuals and groups addressing the Council must limit their remarks to the specific agenda topic they have signed up to discuss. Speakers should remain courteous and respectful at all times. As determined by the Council Chair, any violation of these provisions will initially result in a warning. If there is any further violation, the Council Chair shall direct the individual or group to vacate the podium and forfeit the remainder of their time available to address the Council. Likewise, the Council Chair may expel the individual or group from the meeting. No weapons, including pocket knives, are allowed at public meetings. Persons who require a special accommodation to participate in any Council meeting should contact Tulsa City Council Secretary Lori Doring, 175 East Second Street, Fourth Floor, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 918-596-1990 or via email at loridoring@tulsacouncil.org, as far in advance as possible and preferably at least 48 hours before the date of the meeting. Persons using a TDD may contact OKLAHOMA RELAY at 1-800-722-0353 and voice calls should be made to 1-800-522-8506 to communicate via telephone with hearing telephone users and vice versa.
What is the difference between Public Input, Public Hearings, and Public Comments?Public Input: The public can provide feedback on items placed on the agenda by City Councilors, the Mayor’s Office or Authorities, Boards, and Commissions. Public Hearings: Sometimes, the Council addresses topics that have legally required public hearings, such as the annual budget. When the Council addresses this type of item, the Council will place a public hearing on the Council agenda under Section 3. Public Comment: The public may place their own agenda item on the Council agenda. The Council cannot take immediate action on that item. However, they can add it to a future agenda for further consideration.
What is first and second reading on the council agenda?By City Charter, no ordinance can be adopted until the subject thereof has been on the agenda of the Council for two meetings. This gives the public more time to learn about ordinances and provide input before they are passed. This requirement may be waived by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the entire Council (6 votes). However, this is a rare occurrence and is included as a safeguard should there be an urgent matter.
What is the emergency clause?An ordinance or resolution can be adopted as an emergency measure when there is a need to provide for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, welfare, or safety. The vote of at least two-thirds of the entire Council (6 votes) is required to adopt any ordinance or resolution as an emergency measure. Ordinances or resolutions adopted as an emergency measure take effect at the time stated in the measure. All other ordinances and resolutions take effect not less than 30 days from the date of first publication.
I'd like to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at a City Council meeting. Can I do that?Yes! We always welcome community members to participate in our meetings. If you or your group would like to lead the Pledge of Allegiance, please email the Council Secretary at secretary@tulsacouncil.org
How can I find out more about how the City Council works?Check out our handy Government Guide.

What is a City Charter?
A city charter is a unique document that, in many ways, acts like a constitution for the city. It can only be adopted, amended, or repealed by a majority vote of a city’s voters.
Tulsa's charter is the city’s legal framework. It defines the organization, powers, functions, and essential procedures of city government.

Why is the Charter amended?
The Council is required to periodically review the amended Charter of the City of Tulsa and submit to the voters any such amendments as are necessary to provide for representative, efficient and economical administration of City government as follows:
On or before October 15 of every odd-numbered year, the City Attorney provides to the Council a schedule for considering proposed amendments to the amended Charter. The Council may adopt, amend or reject the schedule. Any schedule adopted by the Council is filed in the Office of the City Clerk and is available for public inspection on or before November 15 of each odd-numbered year.
The Council submits to the voters of the City proposed Charter amendments necessary to provide for representative, efficient and economical administration of city government. Proposed Charter amendments are submitted for approval or rejection by the qualified voters of the City as provided by the Oklahoma Constitution and laws of Oklahoma.
Listed is the date of approval by the Governor of the State of Oklahoma, substance, and the place in the text where the amendment is quoted.
May 2, 1994 - General Election Dates | Art. VI, Sec. 1.3
May 2, 1994 - Qualified Elector | Art. XII, Sec. 1
May 2, 1994 - Internal Audits | Art. IV, Sec. 3, Par. F, G
June 21, 1996 - Records, Accounts, Personnel, Facilities, and Inventories Available to City Auditor | Art. IV, Sec. 5
June 21, 1996 - Civil Service Time Frames | Art. X, Sec. 8.2
June 21, 1996 - Civil Service Appeals | Art. X, Sec. 8.3
June 21, 1996 - Firefighters' Probation Period | Art. XI, Sec. 3
June 21, 1996 - Elected Officials in the Employ of Franchise Holders | Art. XII, Sec. 13
June 21, 1996 - Special Election Dates | Art. VI, Sec. 5
June 16, 1998 - Candidates for Elected City Offices to Either Pay a Filing Fee or File an Election Petition | Art. VI, Sec. 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, Par. D
June 16, 1998 - Council and Councilors May Communicate with Heads of Each Division and Department of the City | Art. II, Sec. 19
June 6, 2006 - Affirmative Vote of Three-fourths of Entire Council Membership Required to Effect a Protested Change of Zoning | Art. II, Sec. 6.3
June 6, 2006 - Resolutions Approved by the City Shall be Published | Art. II, Sec. 11
June 6, 2006 - Residency Requirements for Members of City Boards, Commissions, Authorities, and Agencies | Art. III, Sec. 1.4, Par. G
June 6, 2006 - Election Dates and Terms of Office to Correspond with State Law | Art. VI, Sec. 1.2, 1.3, 2
June 6, 2006 - Grounds for Recall of Elected Officers; Provisions for Petitions for Recall | Art. VII, Sec. 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 3
June 6, 2006 - Mayor to Make Appointments Within Sixty Days or Council May Make Appointments, Should the Mayor Fail to do so | Art. XII, Sec. 11
May 1, 2008 - Fall Election Dates, Terms of Office, and Time of Filing | Art. VI, Sec. 1.2, 1.3, 2, 3.4
May 1, 2008 - Change of address of qualified elector will not prevent voting if within period of time which would prevent valid registration in their new election district | Art. VI, Sec. 1.4, 2, 7
January 5, 2010 - City Auditor shall be a certified Public Accountant or a Certified Internal Auditor at the time of filing for the office of City Auditor | Art. IV Sec. 1, Art. VI Sec. 7
January 5, 2010 - Staggered three-year terms for City Council elections | Art. VI, Sec. 1.2, 1.3, 2, 3.4
January 5, 2010 - Both Mayor and Council shall approve settlement of all claims equal or greater than $1 million ($1,000,000) | Art. II Sec. 20, Art. XII Sec. 3
March 18, 2011 - Creation and maintenance of an Economic Stabilization Reserve Fund for the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma | Art. II, Sec. 7.4 - 7.10
March 18, 2011 - Primary Election Dates provided by Oklahoma for County Election Board to conduct elections | Art. VI, Sec. 2
February 21, 2012 - Election and Qualification of Officers; Terms | Art. VI, Sec. 1.2
February 21, 2012 - Election and Qualification of Officers; Primary Elections; Filing for Office-Political Parties; Campaigning for Office | Art. VI, Sec. 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2
June 26, 2012 - Establishing election dates, terms of office, and time of filing | Art. VI, Sec. 2.2, 3.4
November 12, 2013 - Setting salaries | Art. II, Sec. 2.2, 3.4
November 14, 2017 - Budgets, prohibiting diversion of public safety sales tax revenues to any other purpose; Prohibiting expenditure of public safety sales tax revenues for any other purpose | Art. II Sec. 7.1, Art. III Sec. 1.4, Par. C
November 14, 2017 - Civil Service Commission - Political activities permitted; Fire Department - Political activities permitted | Art. X Sec. 10.1, Art. XI Sec. 5.1
November 14, 2017 - General grant of power; Council meetings; Effective date of ordinances and resolution; General elections; Election procedure; Time of filing; Election District Commission; Adjustment of election district boundaries | Art. I Sec. 3, 3.1, 10, Art. II Sec. 1,3, 2.2, Art. VI Sec. 3.4, 10.1, 10.2, Par. O
September 10, 2021 - Deleting mention of primary elections; Use of gender-neutral words; Removal of Authority, Board and Commission members; City Attorney appointment and confirmation; City Attorney duties | Art. VI Sec. 3.3, 5, 7, Art. VII, Sec. 1.2, Art. XI Sec. 3, 4.3, Art. XII, Sec. 4, 11 Par. C, Art. X Sec. 4.1, Art. III Sec. 4
March 28, 2023 - Council to set Mayor's salary by ordinance; 365-day residency requirements; City Auditor's term | Art. III Sec. 1.2, Art. VI Sec. 7, 1.2 Par. B