District Finder
This map helps you identify what City Council District an address falls within. It also provides a quick link to the Council District website for more information about that district and its city councilor.
You can either:
enter an address in the Council District Locator (where it says, "Find address or place") and hit enter or
click (or touch on mobile devices) any area on the map to access the Council District information for that area. ​
Note: As required by City Charter, every ten years a City of Tulsa Election District Commission is formed consisting of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Based upon the latest data from the Federal Decennial Census, the Commission is charged with adjusting the boundaries of the City's nine City Council Districts so that they are as nearly equal in population as possible. The new Council Districts approved by the commission will take effect on December 5, 2022. View more information about redistricting here.