Carol Bush was born and raised in Tulsa. After graduating from Oral Roberts University in 1983 with a business marketing degree, Carol planted her roots firmly in Midtown where she has raised a family, owned and operated a business, and served the community ever since.
She successfully ran her own retail stores for 20 years before moving into the fields of public health and safety serving at the Health Department and then as the Executive Director of the Crime Commission’s Crime Prevention Network for 10 years. This nonprofit coordinates the Alert Neighbors and Crime Stoppers programs for the Tulsa Metropolitan area.
Carol’s professional endeavors in business, nonprofit management, and public health prepared her to enter the world of public service where she served as a State Representative for six years. During her tenure at the State of Oklahoma, she successfully authored 40 pieces of legislation that were signed into law and served in the following areas:
Chair of the Children, Youth and Family Services Committee
Member of the Transportation Committee, Judiciary - Criminal Committee, and Health Appropriations Sub-committee
Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women
Co-Chair of the Women’s Caucus
Mental Health Caucus
Oklahoma Early Childhood Legislative Caucus
Oklahoma Care-Giver Coalition
NCSL Early Childhood Education Fellow
Leadership Oklahoma Class 32
Carol also has extensive experience as a community volunteer. Over the years she has served on various boards in the Tulsa area including:
Brookside Merchant Association
Junior League of Tulsa Board Member and President from 2001-02
Oklahoma Turning Point Council, Chair
Oklahoma Public Health Leadership Institute, Fellow
Parent Child Center, Board Member and Advocacy Committee
Trinity Woods, Board Member and PR/Development Committee
Tulsa Police Foundation, Governance Committee Chair
SB1671 Holocaust Coalition, Advisory Board Member and Executive Team Member
Tulsa’s Leadership Vision, Member
Opioid Abatement Board
Carol is married to Jeff Harrison and has two daughters, Moriah in Kansas City and Nicole in Denver. In her free time, she enjoys bicycling and travel.
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