The City Council met on May 24, 2023, for committee meetings and a City Council meeting.
Below are the highlights of Council discussion and information on agenda items that action was taken on.
Councilors discussed an ordinance amending the fiscal year 2022‐2023 budget to transfer $414,250 between account groups within the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) SubFund. This will fund 3 new positions in the Municipal Court that will help implement initiatives recommended by the City Council Fine and Fees working group.
Councilors discussed an ordinance enacting a new title within the Tulsa Revised Ordinances to be called "Title 43‐M, 2023 Temporary Sales Tax Policy”.
This declares that all revenue generated by this sales tax will be devoted to certain designated projects, identifies those projects, creates a Sales Tax Overview Committee (STOC), sets membership, terms and duties for this committee; establishes a Special Revenue Fund to receive all revenue generated by this sales tax, and sets forth the conditions and requirements for any amendment to, or repeal of, this sales tax. Councilors specifically discusses the future process for determining use of the Housing Initiatives fund.
If the voters of the City of Tulsa do not approve the 2023 Temporary Sales Tax at the August 8, 2023 election, then this ordinance will be null and void and of no further effect.
City Council Regular Meeting| 5:00 pm
Councilor Cue recognized Kathy Chenoweth and Phillip Martin as Star Tulsans from District 2.

Councilor Lakin presented a proclamation recognizing May 21 – May 27, 2023, in Tulsa, as Emergency Medical Services Week, honoring EMSA and more than 300 Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, and support staff in Tulsa.

Councilors voted to approve a resolution calling and requesting the Election Board to conduct a non‐partisan special election on August 8, 2023, which will allow Tulsa residents to vote on the Improve Our Tulsa capital funding package. For more information in Improve Our Tulsa, please click here. You can read the press release on this approval here.
Councilors approved an ordinance amending the fiscal year 2022‐2023 budget to transfer available appropriations of $136,440 between account groups within the DNA Backlog reduction SubFund to help fund the 2021 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Project. Funds will be used in the Forensic Laboratory to replace aging equipment and increase capacity for a growing Biology section.
Councilors approved an ordinance amending the fiscal year 2022‐2023 budget to make supplemental appropriations of $15,672.26 from unassigned fund balance within the Whittier Square Improvement Fund to help fund Whittier Square Improvement Asset Repairs.
Councilors approved the proposed District 6 2021 Capital Improvements Sales Tax Community Development Priority Project, Concept Plan No. 1, Transmission Waterline Connection and Fire Hydrant Assembly, at or near 18300 East 21st Street. This item was sponsored by Councilor Bengel. This project eliminates a cost barrier for public access to City domestic water and can be extended by existing property owners or developers to serve existing or future development of the properties along 21st Street. It will also install a fire hydrant assembly to provide fire protection to existing, developed properties in this corridor.