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Proposed Standards for Route 66 Roadside Attractions in Development

April 29, 2024

A public hearing to receive feedback from residents and business owners on zoning provisions for roadside attractions along Route 66 will be held during the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission meeting on Wednesday, May 1, at 1 p.m. at City Hall. 


"I am very excited for the opportunity that this change can make for the businesses of Tulsa,” Councilor Jeannie Cue said. “Roadside attractions have been a staple of Route 66 for years and we are excited to see them coming to Tulsa. This will allow local businesses along the route to continue coming up with creative and exciting ways to promote not only their business but also expand on the growing list of things for Route 66 tourists to see while in Tulsa.” 


Route 66 in Tulsa has seen significant growth and private investment over the past five years. Property owners have enhanced the route through more than just neon signage, including new businesses and roadside attractions. Currently, the zoning code does not address roadside attractions, and typically sign standards are applied to these structures in the overlay. The proposed amendments to the zoning code would establish criteria and a process for roadside attractions.  


"Over the last few years, much has been done to enhance Route 66 as one of Tulsa’s greatest assets,” Councilor Crista Patrick said. “I am thrilled for this opportunity to do even more to enliven the Route in anticipation of the Centennial celebration in 2026, which will draw visitors from around the world to experience all that Tulsa has to offer as the Capital of Route 66." 


The Route 66 Overlay was adopted by the City Council in 2018 to ensure the enhancement, development, and revitalization of the authentic Route 66 through the promotion of historic and historically inspired signage, especially neon. 


Planning Director Susan Miller says the City hopes to build on the success of the neon sign provisions in the overlay. “By incorporating roadside attractions in the overlay, we can look forward to making Route 66 an even bigger destination for residents and tourists alike.” 


The City Council initiated amendments to the Route 66 Overlay to include standards for roadside attractions on January 31. A public hearing to receive feedback from interested parties will be held during the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission meeting on May 1. Next, the amendments will come to the City Council for final approval.  


Community members unable to attend the Planning Commission meeting can submit comments along with their name and address by email to


The City of Tulsa announced requests for proposals for Route 66 roadside attractions earlier in April. The link to all RFPs can be found on the City’s website at Each proposal will be on a different timeline.  


For more information about Route 66 in Tulsa and the City of Tulsa's efforts on the famed Mother Road, visit:


More information on the Route 66 Overlay: 

The Route 66 overlay establishes zoning regulations and incentives intended to ensure the enhancement, development, and revitalization of the authentic Route 66 through the promotion of historic and historically inspired signage, especially neon, along and adjacent to the two alignments of Route 66 in Tulsa.  


The regulations are generally intended to guide the character of both public and private development as it occurs along Route 66. The initial purpose of the overlay was focused signage and allows greater sign allowances for neon signs. To assist in implementation of the overlay, the neon sign grant program began in 2019 and has resulted in approximately 60 grants totaling $396,719 in grants, with a total investment of $1,133,000 in neon signs along the route.  

Proposed amendments: 

20.070-C Roadside Attractions 

Roadside attractions are permitted in the Route 66 Overlay district. Roadside attractions are features or structures intended to promote tourism and enhance the Route 66 experience.


  1. General Regulations 

    1. Roadside attractions are subject to review and approval by the Tulsa Route 66 Commission. 

    2. Business name and/or logos will be considered signage and are required to comply with sign regulations. 

    3. Roadside attractions are required to obtain all necessary permits prior to construction.  

  2. In reviewing roadside attractions, the Route 66 Commission must determine that the proposal: 

    1. Reflects the historic significance of Route 66 in Tulsa by identifying elements that contribute to its legacy and character; and 

    2. Promotes tourism along Route 66; and 

    3. Implements recommendations adopted in Plan 66. 

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