The City of Tulsa has completed the special curbside collection of storm debris that began as a special service for citizens affected by the July 23 wind storm. Crews have been working six days a week and 10-hour days to complete one pass through each neighborhood. As of 5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 25, crews had removed 126,397 cubic yards of debris.
Debris Removal Start Date: Monday, July 29, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday-Saturday Duration: Crews finished Wednesday, Sept. 25 Number of employees working on debris removal: 120 Square miles in Tulsa City limits: 200.1 sq. miles Residential lane miles in Tulsa City limits: 3,500
With the special debris removal operation complete, residents are welcome to take their yard waste to the City's Greenwaste site at 10401 E. 56th St. North, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily.
To view daily debris removal totals, click here
The special debris operation costs the city approximately $133,000 (as of 9/20/13), which was in overtime costs. Out of the $133,000, only $64,000 was used from the general fund, leaving more than $70,000 for any costs that may occur during the winter season.
Streets and Stormwater Department Director Dan Crossland said, "For the past two years, Tulsa has seen mild winters and we've had the opportunity to save a substantial amount of salt and materials that will be available this winter, if needed. Every storm is different, and the city will react accordingly and appropriately to protect the safety of our citizens. If more money for overtime is needed this winter, above the $70,000 we already have, options are available through cost savings we have in our department."
Comparing the 2007 ice storm to the 2013 wind storm, $26 million was spent on the 2007 ice storm, and more than $18 million was reimbursed by the federal and state governments to the City of Tulsa since it was declared a disaster. The 2013 windstorm was not deemed a disaster and no federal reimbursement will be received. During the 2007 ice storm, private contractors were hired to help with the disaster and debris removal since the city would be reimbursed. For the 2013 wind storm, the city did not have the funding in the Streets & Stormwater budget to hire contractors.