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New Citizen Recognition Program Debuted in Tulsa

Tulsa City Councilor Jeannie Cue announced a new citizen recognition program and honored five residents on Dec. 16 at the Route 66 Historical Village.

The “Star Tulsan” initiative honors residents or volunteers in each Council District who dedicate their time and talent to improve their surroundings, fulfill a need or perform an act of kindness.

“We started this program to thank people for giving back and volunteering, because that’s what makes a great community. There is always something you can do to help someone else,” Councilor Cue said.

Each “Star Tulsan” will be announced at a 5 p.m. regular meeting of the Tulsa City Council and will receive a special certificate signed by all nine City Councilors and the Mayor. These meetings are televised on TGOV, Cox Cable channel 24, and online at

“We also want to emphasize that if you know someone who is mowing their neighbor’s grass, picking up trash, things like that, let us know so we can recognize and honor them,” Councilor Cue said.

Residents wanting to nominate a person or group for the “Star Tulsan” award can email their City Councilor by visiting our website at or by sending an email to

The first “Star Tulsans” to be recognized are from Council District 2:

Jack Combs was honored for his outstanding work caring for his elderly and disabled neighbors’ yards, picking up litter to maintain the beauty of the area, helping to maintain the Route 66 Historical Village and consistently performing acts of kindness for his neighbors.

Steve and Donna Savage were honored for their work guiding the Daniel Webster Alumni Foundation, beautifying and promoting Route 66 with Donna’s artwork, maintaining landmarks in west Tulsa and generally cultivating the importance of the west side community and its people.

Linda Fitzgerald and Ron Shanks were honored for their volunteer work in the community, for helping with all projects and events at the Route 66 Historical Village and for their commitment to preserving this part of local history that has had a significant impact on our nation.


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